Connect the stories related to the musical portraits "Rhythm, Art, Poetry and Life" and "Crossing Paths". Immmerse yourself in the themes addressed in this mini-series of short films.
Watch in any order as the films connect in dialogue with one another.
Connect the stories related to the musical portrait "Xingomana - Dance of Generations". Immmerse yourself in the themes addressed in this mini-series of short films.
Watch in any order as the films connect in dialogue with one another.
Connect the stories related to the musical portrait "Xingomana - Dance of Generations". Immmerse yourself in the themes addressed in this mini-series of short films.
Watch in any order as the films connect in dialogue with one another.
Connect the stories related to the musical portraits "Rhythm, Art, Poetry and Life" and "Crossing Paths". Immmerse yourself in the themes addressed in this mini-series of short films.
Watch in any order as the films connect in dialogue with one another.
Behind The Stories
Behind "Stella"
The people behind the film
The producer of the film Stella Francisco Valia (Raka) has been a fan of 'the girl with the golden voice' for years. Coming from the same home-town, Zambezia's provincial capital Quelimane, he wanted to make a film that gave space for her voice to shine and the choices that made her value her traditional culture and incorporate that into her music. He brought Samo Mula from Maputo on board to direct and film, Maltonato Manuel from Nampula as Assistand Director and editor, and Marcia Macuacua from Gaza on sound. The zambezia community studying at ISArC and living in their dormitories all supported the production which was all filmed in and around the university campus.
The questions raised in the film
What is the value of art in society and can higher education in the arts make a diffierence?